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Dental Technology In Mcpherson
Here at McPherson Dental Care, we consistently work to ensure all of our patients have access to the most modern dental techniques and technologies. Dr. Brian Kynaston, Dr. Matthew Perry, and Dr. Seth Prochaska take the practice of providing the best options for all patients who visit them seriously.
Our dental office can provide many procedures quickly and with fewer side effects thanks to the technologies we have available.
If you are interested in learning more about our dentist's office or speaking with a dentist, we are happy to provide more information about our capabilities. Our office staff is available during business hours to answer any questions you have.
We have provided a bit of information below regarding some of the technology available here at McPherson Dental Care. These include the Solea laser, iTero dental digital scanner, PreXion 3D Eclipse, CariVu cavity finder, and Deka CO2 laser. These pieces of technology can help correct oral issues in nearly half the time they took in the past. In tandem with the specialized training our dentists have, you will find that our methods are excellent.
Solea Laser
The Solea laser is a specialized dental tool that can be found in advanced dental offices and is used in place of a traditional dental drill. This piece of technology can be used in countless types of procedures, including filling cavities. It has numerous benefits for both the dentist using it and the patient who is receiving treatment at McPherson Dental Care for dental healthcare.
This laser has an effect that allows it to numb the mouth and can eliminate the requirement for anesthetics in many procedures. Most patients who have had treatment with the Solea laser report feeling no pain during their dental treatment. In addition, the numbing treatment from the Solea can help with side effects from anesthesia like extreme numbing or the sensation of having a fat lip.
One of the many excellent benefits of the Solea laser is that it can seal nerve endings and blood vessels as the dentist work with it. That means that you do not have to wait for days or weeks in recovery. Instead, the process is nearly instant, and you will experience no bleeding or need for stitches. It can also help with avoiding infection since your time healing will be largely reduced. It can also help ease anxiety since the laser is vibration-free and silent.
The iTero is a dental digital scanner that can be beneficial to use with many different procedures. The iTero can make a 3D scan of your teeth and bite so that adjustments can be made digitally for many dental procedures. Dr. Kynaston, Dr. Perry, or Dr. Prochaska will use the scanned to capture photos of your mouth. That image will then be loaded onto a computer and can help with creating tooth implants, Invisalign molds, and more.
iTero can make Invisalign even more accurate. Using the 3D model of your teeth, your dentist can look at your teeth and bite to determine how your teeth should align best. The iTero scanner can also help your dentist at McPherson Dental Care in creating numerous molds to use while going through Invisalign therapy. Those will then be sent to a lab to be manufactured.
Restorative dentists may also find the iTero is an excellent tool. The dentist will scan the tooth and mouth. Then they can use that imaging to determine what the best solution for your problem is. If you need implants or a crown, the scan can be sent along to a lab where a model is created. At that point, a manufactured tooth will be sent back to McPherson Dental Care, where it can be installed in your mouth.
The scanner can also be used in determining TMJ issues. The scans it makes can be reviewed to see how your alignment is and what can help make it more natural. In addition to that, time-lapse technology is available with the iTero, so your dentist will have in-depth data about each appointment you have had. This will save time and ensure you get the exact treatment that your dental needs require.
PreXion 3D Eclipse
The next piece of technology available for use by our dentists is the PreXion 3D Eclipse. This item was built to be used by dental offices that perform surgical implant procedures. However, it can also be used in endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, and general dentistry. The scanner takes up very little space and provides bright images that are compatible for use with many surgical implant software packages.
This scanner provides a number of choices when it comes to 3D scan types. It has a high definition option, an ultra-high-definition option, a wide mode, and a light mode. Scan times are negligible with light mode taking less than nine seconds and ultra-high-definition mode taking under 18 seconds. It also features a server environment for dentists that allows quick assessment of your bone and nearby anatomy. You can be assured that your dentist is getting the best information with which to treat your dental needs.
CariVu is a new technology that operates as a detection device for dental cavities. It is a small device that can determine if there are cracks or cavities in a tooth. It then displays black and white images that show any abnormalities. With near-infrared transillumination technology, the tooth is seen in ways that were never before possible. It is an excellent alternative to x-rays when taking them is more difficult than usual or another option is preferred.
This portable device straddles the tooth and then uses near-infrared light to bathe it. This is what makes the images so excellent. The enamel will appear as if it is transparent, while any cracks or cavities will absorb the light. As such, when viewing these images, any cavities will show up as a dark area on the image.
CariVu gives us the ability to detect problems earlier, as it is nearly 100% accurate when finding decay or cracks. It also uses no radiation, which is a considerable advantage for children, pregnant individuals, and those who prefer not to have x-rays. On top of that, the pictures can be shown to you in larger sizes, so you can see exactly what the dentist is seeing.
Deka CO2 Laser
Our Deka CO2 lasers are another rising technology that is gaining popularity among dentists of all sorts of specialties. This option is especially useful when working with soft tissue treatment. McPherson Dental Care is happy to bring this technology to patients in the area and broadening the options patients have when addressing general dentistry, implant dentistry, dental surgery, and other needs.
Laser treatment can be used to drain an abscess, perform root canals, uncover implants, and more. The way the laser works is by providing a concentrated light where the dentist focuses it. The lasers are also able to cut through tissue without the bleeding that you may expect from dental procedures. They can also help to provide much less discomfort following a dental procedure. This also means less anesthesia may be needed while the dentist at McPherson Dental Care is working.
One of the ways in which laser technology works is by helping to disinfect any periodontal pockets in your mouth. This can be an excellent alternative or addition to scaling and root planing. Laser therapy can treat any infection in the gums and also assist with stimulating regeneration of the bone. This can make it possible to save some teeth that might have needed extraction before the use of the Deka CO2 laser
Modern Technology in McPherson
By implementing the most modern technology and keeping abreast of new techniques, the dentists at McPherson Dental Care can provide quick, efficient, and top of the line dental procedures. Many of the technology enhancements we offer can help by minimizing side effects, reducing the time of treatment and recovery, allowing for more precise results, and making procedures more effective. This leads to peace of mind and less anxiety for our patients.
We are constantly on the lookout for ways to stay educated and provide new services to everyone who comes into our offices. Whether you require cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, orthodontics, dentures, or something else, chances are excellent that we can provide a painless and quick process by use of these new techniques.
Book an Appointment Today
If you are interested in making a dentist appointment with Dr. Kynaston, Dr. Perry, or Dr. Prochaska, you can do so using our contact form or by calling us at 620-241-5000. Our staff can also answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. Our office teams are all capable of helping you with whatever you need, so contact us today!